"Whenever I ask myself what time it is, I know it; but when I look at the clock I still wonder where it has gone…" Aurelius Augustinus (354-430, scholastic and one of the 4 eminent Fathers of the Church) mused, in his time. Time - still a mysterium obscurum of some magnitude, even for great minds like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking ("A Brief History of Time Machines"). Time, after all, does occur in nature,
even in the animate part thereof, which makes it an object of scientific curiosity for chronobiologists. As early as in the 18th century the French astronomer Jean Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan discovered the endogenous control of circadian life processes in Mimo-saceae - even in total darkness their leaves keep vibrating in roughly the same rhythm as during the day (only roughly, though - circadian, that is).