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Angels are matters of faith and are classified as a winged species. The guardian angels of the 90s are female and flutter through insurance ads,
the latter being available from The Guardian Angel Company Earth Ltd (branch of divine headquarters) in return for cash. The globally operating divine
where they persistently bugger up their divine duties. They fall prey to the seductive powers of the industrial society and succumb to sensuous pleasures, much to the chagrin of their protegees (humans, in insurance ads basically male and mostly slow and awkward specimens). The shortcomings of the female guardian angel wakes a desire for earthly protection, usually in the shape of an insurance policy, headquarters with a Bruce Willis-type God) offers highly specialised hosts of guardian angels (legal experts) who take the policy owner under their wings(legally, that is; sometimes also in die hard fashion, depending on the insurance value). We do know, however, that neither lipsticks nor policies exist in paradise. Which is why this matter of faith can only be resolved through a poem by Hans Arp:

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